Top 5 spanks in the movies

Secretary (Steven Shainberg, 2002) Maggie Gyllenhaals ingnue-with-a-screw-loose takes up a job as a typist with James Spaders hotshot lawyer, only to find herself entering into an extravagantly sado-masochistic relationship with him. Cue more spanking than you can shake a stick at (as it were), in a film thats surprisingly charming given how full-on a lot

Secretary (Steven Shainberg, 2002)

Maggie Gyllenhaal’s ingénue-with-a-screw-loose takes up a job as a typist with James Spader’s hotshot lawyer, only to find herself entering into an extravagantly sado-masochistic relationship with him. Cue more spanking than you can shake a stick at (as it were), in a film that’s surprisingly charming given how full-on a lot of the scenes are.

Kill Bill: Vol 1 (Quentin Tarantino, 2003)

In a comically bathetic close to a spectacular fight Uma Thurman’s indestructible killer scythes off a cowering assailant’s sword inch by inch, before flipping him (and gender norms) over and giving his rump a jolly good seeing-to with the side of her sabre. As she amusingly tells him, landing a spank with each word, “This! Is! What! You! Get! For! F***ing!! Around! With! Yakuzas!”

Fish Tank (Andrea Arnold, 2009)

Dangerous sparks start to fly between the teenage Mia (Katie Jarvis) and her mother’s boyfriend (Michael Fassbender, currently tending rather brutally to Keira Knightley’s behind, too, in David Cronenberg's new drama A Dangerous Method) as, with her mother out of the room, he puts her across his knee and gives her a massively inappropriate six of the best. It’s not long before they’re at it hammer-and-tongs on the downstairs sofa, after which things get darker still.

9½ Weeks (Adrian Lyne, 1986)

Mickey Rourke spanking Kim Basinger’s derrière is just one episode in this tale of an intensely sado-masochistic Manhattan affair that spirals out of control. The film gained plenty of notoriety at the time, and, even if such subsequent offerings as the similarly named Nine Songs have stolen much of its risqué thunder, it’s still pretty kinky stuff.

Spencer’s Mountain (Delmer Davies, 1963)

What exactly was is about Maureen O’Hara’s bottom? Not only did it get that famous thwacking from John Wayne in John Ford’s The Quiet Man (1952), Henry Fonda also found it similarly irresistible in another Wayne movie, Spencer’s Mountain. Fonda has just bidden O’Hara (as his wife) goodbye, when she bends over to pick up some washing, and – whoosh! – he gives her rear an affectionate upwards smack very much as if firing off a top-spin lob. Definitely the cutest in this list.

