The Truth About Angus Young's Wife

Angus Young's wife, Ellen Young, was a college student in Arnhem, Netherlands when she asked a mutual friend, the Dutch rock guitarist Adrian Vandenberg, to invite her to a bar where AC/DC was playing.

Angus Young's wife, Ellen Young, was a college student in Arnhem, Netherlands when she asked a mutual friend, the Dutch rock guitarist Adrian Vandenberg, to invite her to a bar where AC/DC was playing.

"I was 21 or 22 and I had a rock band put together called TEASER and we had one album," Vandenberg told BlabberMouth in 2018. "We were invited to be a support act to AC/DC on a couple of shows and one of them was close to the town I was studying in and where Ellen also lived. She said, 'Adrian, can you put me on the guest list?' I said, 'Well, I'm going to try, but we are guests of AC/DC. I'm not sure we have the option to invite guests."

Vandenberg's guest list was approved and he introduced Ellen and her friends to AC/DC. Ellen and Angus hit it off, according to Vandenberg, and got married within a year. Part of the reason their marriage has lasted so long is because they know how to communicate with each other, as evidenced in an interview AC/DC did with The Guardian in 2014. "Stand on the chair, Angus!" Ellen was overheard telling her husband at a photoshoot for the profile. "You will look stupid otherwise!"

While not much else is known about Ellen, it's obvious that she cares about how her husband presents himself in public, and will always remind him when she gets the chance.

