Is Phillip Dorsett related to Tony Dorsett?

At the wide receiver position, Phillip Dorsett is a name on the rise. He was a shining star on an offensive line that was gradually becoming less and less spectacular during his breakthrough years with the New England Patriots.

At the wide receiver position, Phillip Dorsett is a name on the rise. He was a shining star on an offensive line that was gradually becoming less and less spectacular during his breakthrough years with the New England Patriots.

He has a recognizable surname and is exceptionally quick on his feet. Many people are left to wonder, "Is this guy related to Tony Dorsett, a legendary Dallas Cowboys player?"

Tony was also exceptionally quick, albeit as a running back. Due to his significant contribution to the Texans' dynastic period in the NFL, many still mention him with nostalgia. Is quick feet and ability in the NFL genetically passed for the Dorsetts? That's a possibility, but you might have to look elsewhere.

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The two players are not related. Nevertheless, Anthony Drew Dorsett Jr., a son of Tony Dorsett, also competed in the NFL.

Phillip Dorsett Sr. is the father of the Patriots' wide receiver. Despite sharing a career and a surname, Tony Dorsett and Phillip Dorsett are unrelated.

While his son attended St. Thomas Aquinas, Phillip Dorsett Sr. served as the school's assistant track coach.

Phillip Dorsett detailed the circumstances in a chat with The Indy Star, an Indianapolis outlet, while he was with the Colts. His parents both have relatives close to where they reside.

"We would get together by my dad's side on Christmas Day after having a celebration at my place on Christmas Eve with my mom's family," recalled Dorsett. "It has always been my favorite season."

Phillip Dorsett, a native of Florida who went to the University of Miami, was chosen in the 2015 NFL Draft by the Indianapolis Colts. During that time, he heavily debated his relationship with Tony Dorsett.

Journalist Chris Burke questioned the 25-year-old during one of his first talks with Sports Illustrated in 2015 about how frequently people inquire about his relationship with the other famous Dorsett of NFL.

"I think I get that probably every day," he said, laughing. "I am not, but..."

Tony Dorsett's NFL journey

In 1977, the Dallas Cowboys selected Pennsylvania native Tony Dorsett as their first-round pick. He won his first Super Bowl ring that same year. He later competed for the Denver Broncos for another season after a 11-year stint with the Cowboys, before retiring.

he ex-NFL player, is a dad to four children, namely; Anthony, Jazmyn, Madison, and Mia Dorsett.

Tony was identified as having chronic traumatic encephalopathy in 2013, a degenerative brain condition associated with recurrent head injuries. Distress and loss of memory are among the indicators. Unfortunately, this illness has been identified in multiple former NFL players still has no known cure.

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